Le listing ci-dessous peut être incomplet. Si vous voyez des éléments manquants, vous pouvez le préciser en commentaire. De même, les publications peuvent être soumises à des retards de transport ou autre.
Il est (fortement) possible que votre comics shop ne propose pas l'intégralité des sorties. Si des titres non diffusés chez vous vous intéressent, nous ne saurions trop vous conseiller d'en parler avec votre revendeur, qui pourra éventuellement les recommander.
Hard Cover : format relié à couverture rigide.
TPB : format relié à couverture souple.
One-Shot : Histoire prévue en un seul numéro et se suffiant à elle-même.
sur X : indique que la série est une série limitée en X numéro.
AR : Ask Retailer, indique que le prix est soumis à la décision du revendeur.
Variant Cover : couverture variante souvent plus rare et dessinée par un autre artiste. Souvent également plus chère.
Crossed Badlands #50 (Gabriel Andrade Up In Smoke Cover), $5.99
Crossed Badlands #60 (Christian Zanier Red Crossed Incentive Cover), AR
Crossed Badlands #60 (Christian Zanier Regular Cover), $3.99
Crossed Badlands #60 (Matt Martin Fatal Fantasy Cover), $3.99
Crossed Badlands #60 (Rafa Ortiz Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Crossed Badlands #60 (Tim Vigil Torture Cover), $3.99
Extinction Parade War #2 (Raulo Caceres Leather Cover), $19.99
Extinction Parade War #3 (Raulo Caceres Bloodwashed Incentive Cover), AR
Extinction Parade War #3 (Raulo Caceres End Of Species Cover), $3.99
Extinction Parade War #3 (Raulo Caceres Pure Art Incentive Cover), AR
Extinction Parade War #3 (Raulo Caceres Regular Cover), $3.99
Extinction Parade War #3 (Raulo Caceres Wraparound Cover), $3.99
George R.R. Martin's In The House Of The Worm #2 (Ivan Rodriguez Regal Incentive Cover), AR
George R.R. Martin's In The House Of The Worm #2 (Ivan Rodriguez Regular Cover), $3.99
George R.R. Martin's In The House Of The Worm #2 (Ivan Rodriguez Wraparound Cover), $3.99
George R.R. Martin's In The House Of The Worm #2 (Michael DiPascale Painted Cover), $3.99
God Is Dead #19 (German Nobile Carnage Wraparound Cover), $3.99
God Is Dead #19 (Jacen Burrows End Of Days Cover), $3.99
God Is Dead #19 (Jacen Burrows Gilded Incentive Cover), AR
God Is Dead #19 (Jacen Burrows Iconic Cover), $3.99
God Is Dead #19 (Jacen Burrows Regular Cover), $3.99
God Is Dead Book Of Acts Alpha (Jacen Burrows Glycon Leather Cover), $19.99
God Is Dead Book Of Acts Deluxe Collector Box Set, $99.99
Uber #17 (Caanan White Blitzkrieg Incentive Cover), AR
Uber #17 (Caanan White War Crimes Cover), $3.99
Uber #17 (Daniel Gete Regular Cover), $3.99
Uber #17 (Daniel Gete Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Uber #17 (Michael DiPascale Propaganda Poster Cover), $3.99
Uber Special #1 (Michael DiPascale Raw Power Cover), $9.99
Big Trouble In Little China #4 (Cover A Eric Powell), $3.99
Big Trouble In Little China #4 (Cover B Joe Quinones), $3.99
Big Trouble In Little China #4 (Cover C Evan Shaner), AR
Black Market #1 (sur 4)(Victor Santos 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Clive Barker's Nightbreed #4 (Cover A Riley Rossmo), $3.99
Clive Barker's Nightbreed #4 (Cover B Christopher Mitten), AR
Cloaks #1 (sur 4)(Cover A W. Scott Forbes), $3.99
Cloaks #1 (sur 4)(Cover B Phil Noto), AR
Garfield #29 (Cover A Andy Hirsch), $3.99
Lumberjanes #5 (Cover A Noelle Stevenson), $3.99
Lumberjanes #5 (Cover B Perry Maple), AR
Robocop #3 (Cover A Goni Montes), $3.99
Robocop #3 (Cover B Carlos Magno), AR
Steven Universe #2 (Cover A George Caltsoudas), $3.99
Steven Universe #2 (Cover B Felicia Choo), $3.99
Steven Universe #2 (Cover C Amber Rogers), AR
Woods #5 (Cover A Michael Dialynas), $3.99
Woods Volume 1 (TPB), $9.99
Alley Oop The Complete Sundays Volume 2 1936-1938 (Hard Cover), $75.00
Angel And Faith Season 10 #6 (Scott Fischer Regular Cover), $3.50
Angel And Faith Season 10 #6 (Will Conrad Variant Cover), $3.50
Aw Yeah Comics And Action (TPB), $12.99
Concrete Park R-E-S-P-E-C-T #1 (sur 5), $3.99
Fear Agent Volume 6 Out Of Step (TPB)(Second Edition), $16.99
Finder Third World (TPB), $19.99
Furious Volume 1 Fallen Star (TPB), $17.99
Ghost #1 (#1For $1 Edition), $1.00
Grendel Vs The Shadow #1 (sur 3)(Matt Wagner Regular Cover), $5.99
Grendel Vs The Shadow #1 (sur 3)(Matt Wagner Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Jaybird (Hard Cover), $19.99
Legend Of Korra The Art Of The Animated Series Volume 2 Spirits (Hard Cover), $34.99
Michael Avon Oeming's The Victories #15, $3.99
New Lone Wolf And Cub Volume 2 (TPB), $13.99
Pariah Volume 2 (TPB), $14.99
Terminator Enemy Of My Enemy #5 (sur 6), $3.99
Usagi Yojimbo Senso #2 (sur 6), $3.99
Action Comics Futures End #1 (Lee Weeks 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Action Comics Futures End #1 (Lee Weeks Regular Cover), $2.99
Aquaman Futures End #1 (Yvel Guichet 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Aquaman Futures End #1 (Yvel Guichet Regular Cover), $2.99
Batman '66 Meets The Green Hornet #4 (sur 6), $2.99
Batman Essentials Batman And Son Special Edition #1, $1.00
Batman Eternal #22, $2.99
Batwing Futures End #1 (Dan Panosian 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Batwing Futures End #1 (Dan Panosian Regular Cover), $2.99
Batwoman Volume 4 This Blood Is Thick (TPB), $14.99
Detective Comics Futures End #1 (Jason Fabok 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Detective Comics Futures End #1 (Jason Fabok Regular Cover), $2.99
Earth 2 Futures End #1 (Giuseppe Camuncoli 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Earth 2 Futures End #1 (Giuseppe Camuncoli Regular Cover), $2.99
Fairest #29, $2.99
Forever Evil (Hard Cover), $24.99
Grayson Futures End #1 (Andrew Robinson 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Grayson Futures End #1 (Andrew Robinson Regular Cover), $2.99
Green Arrow Futures End #1 (Andea Sorrentino 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Green Arrow Futures End #1 (Andea Sorrentino Regular Cover), $2.99
Green Lantern Futures End #1 (Billy Tan 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Green Lantern Futures End #1 (Billy Tan Regular Cover), $2.99
Hinterkind #11, $2.99
JLA Earth 2 (TPB)(New Edition), $14.99
Justice League #33 (Darwyn Cooke Batman 75 Variant Cover), AR
Justice League #33 (Ivan Reis & Joe Prado Combo Pack Cover), $4.99
Justice League #33 (Ivan Reis & Joe Prado Regular Cover), $3.99
Justice League #33 (Mikel Janin Variant Cover), AR
Martian Manhunter Rings Of Saturn (TPB), $19.99
Mr Punch 20th Anniversary Edition (Hard Cover), $34.99
Names #1 (sur 8)(Celia Calle Regular Cover), $2.99
Names #1 (sur 8)(Leandro Fernandez Variant Cover), AR
New 52 Futures End #18, $2.99
Scooby-Doo Team-Up #6, $2.99
Swamp Thing Futures End #1 (Jesus Saiz 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Swamp Thing Futures End #1 (Jesus Saiz Regular Cover), $2.99
Tiny Titans Return To The Treehouse #4 (sur 6), $2.99
Trinity Of Sin The Phantom Stranger Futures End #1 (Guillem March 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Trinity Of Sin The Phantom Stranger Futures End #1 (Guillem March Regular Cover), $2.99
Alice Cooper #1 (David Mack Regular Cover), $3.99
Alice Cooper #1 (Photo Variant Cover), AR
Blood Queen #4 (Ale Garza Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Blood Queen #4 (Cover A Jay Anacleto), $3.99
Blood Queen #4 (Cover B Ale Garza), $3.99
Blood Queen #4 (Jay Anacleto Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Chaos #5 (sur 6)(Ardian Syaf Subscription Variant Cover), $3.99
Chaos #5 (sur 6)(Cover A Emanuela Lupacchino), $3.99
Chaos #5 (sur 6)(Cover B Tim Seeley), $3.99
Chaos #5 (sur 6)(Cover C Nei Ruffino), $3.99
Chaos #5 (sur 6)(Emanuela Lupacchino Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Chaos #5 (sur 6)(Nei Ruffino Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Chaos #5 (sur 6)(Tim Seeley Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Dejah Of Mars #4 (sur 4)(Fabiano Neves Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Dejah Of Mars #4 (sur 4)(Fabiano Neves Variant Cover), AR
Dejah Of Mars #4 (sur 4)(Jay Anacleto Regular Cover), $3.99
Dejah Of Mars #4 (sur 4)(Jay Anacleto Risque Variant Cover), AR
Ex-Con #1 (Tim Bradstreet Regular Cover), $2.99
Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files War Cry #4 (sur 5)(Stjepan Sejic Regular Cover), $3.99
New Vampirella #4 (Cover A Terry Dodson), $3.99
New Vampirella #4 (Cover B Jenny Frison), $3.99
New Vampirella #4 (Stephanie Buscema Subscription Variant Cover), $3.99
New Vampirella #4 (Terry Dodson Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Red Sonja #6 (Jenny Frison Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Red Sonja The Black Tower #1 (sur 4)(Amanda Conner Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Red Sonja The Black Tower #1 (sur 4)(Amanda Conner Regular Cover), $3.99
Turok Dinosaur Hunter #7 (Bart Sears Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Turok Dinosaur Hunter #7 (Bart Sears Regular Cover), $3.99
Turok Dinosaur Hunter #7 (Jae Lee Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Turok Dinosaur Hunter #7 (Jae Lee Subscription Variant Cover), $3.99
Twilight Zone #8 (Francesco Francavilla Regular Cover), $3.99
Twilight Zone #8 (Francesco Francavilla Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Angry Birds Comics #4 (Cover A Jean-Michel Boesch), $3.99
Angry Birds Comics #4 (Cover SUB David Baldeon), $3.99
Dungeons And Dragons Forgotten Realms Classics Omnibus Volume 2 (TPB), $24.99
G.I. JOE Origins Omnibus Volume 2 (TPB), $24.99
Indestructible #8 (Cover A Jose Lopez), $3.99
Judge Dredd Mega-City Two (TPB), $19.99
Judge Dredd Volume 5 (TPB), $17.99
Mars Attacks First Born #4 (sur 4)(Cover A Sam Kieth), $3.99
Mars Attacks First Born #4 (sur 4)(Cover SUB Loston Wallace), $3.99
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #23 (Cover A Sara Richard), $3.99
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #23 (Cover B Amy Mebberson), $3.99
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #23 (Cover RI Kathrym Longua), AR
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Volume 5 (TPB), $17.99
Rocketeer Jet Powered Adventures (TPB), $19.99
Rogue Trooper Classics #5 (sur 12)(Cover A John McCrea), $3.99
Rogue Trooper Classics #5 (sur 12)(Cover SUB Dave Gibbons), $3.99
Silent Hill Downpour Anne's Story #1 (sur 4)(Cover A Tristan Jones), $3.99
Silent Hill Downpour Anne's Story #1 (sur 4)(Cover SUB Justin Randall), $3.99
Squidder #3 (sur 4)(Cover A Ben Templesmith), $3.99
Squidder #3 (sur 4)(Cover SUB David Stoupakis), $3.99
Star Mage #6 (sur 6)(Cover A Franco Cespedes), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Micro Comic Fun Pack Display, AR
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures Volume 3 (TPB), $17.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Original Motion Picture Special Edition (Hard Cover), $29.99
Transformers IDW Collection Phase Two Volume 1 (Hard Cover), $49.99
Aphrodite IX #9 (Stjepan Sejic St Patricks Day Variant Cover), $14.99
Egos Volume 1 Quintessence (TPB), $9.99
Elephantmen #59, $3.99
Giant-Size Kung Fu Bible Stories, $20.00
God Hates Astronauts #1 (Cover A Ryan Browne), $3.50
God Hates Astronauts #1 (Cover B Geof Darrow), $3.50
Hack Slash Son Of Samhain #3, $3.50
Madame Frankenstein #5 (sur 7), $2.99
Mercenary Sea Volume 1 (TPB), $9.99
Nailbiter #5, $2.99
Nightworld #2 (sur 4), $3.99
Sidekick #8, $3.99
Southern Bastards #4, $3.50
Tech Jacket #3, $2.99
Walking Dead Volume 10 (Hard Cover), $34.99
All-New Doop #5 (sur 5), $3.99
All-New X-Factor #13, $3.99
Avengers World #12, $3.99
Black Widow #10, $3.99
Captain America #16 (CGC Graded 9.8)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Captain America #24, $3.99
Daredevil #6 (Chris Samnee 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Dark Tower The Drawing Of The Three The Prisoner #1 (sur 5)(Christian Ward Variant Cover), AR
Dark Tower The Drawing Of The Three The Prisoner #1 (sur 5)(Julian Totino Tedesco Regular Cover), $3.99
Dark Tower The Drawing Of The Three The Prisoner #1 (sur 5)(Skottie Young Variant Cover), AR
Dark Tower The Gunslinger Omnibus Slipcase (Hard Cover), $150.00
Deadpool Minibus (Hard Cover), $59.99
Deadpool Vs X-Force #4 (sur 4), $3.99
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Alex Ross 75th Anniversary Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Alex Ross 75th Anniversary Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Ed McGuinness Mortal Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Joe Quesada Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Joe Quesada Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Leinil Yu Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Pasqual Ferry Deadpool Memorial Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Pasqual Ferry Deadpool Memorial Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Skottie Young Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Steve McNiven Canada Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Steve McNiven Regular Cover), $4.99
Figment #2 (sur 5)(John Tyler Christoper 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Figment #4 (sur 5), $3.99
Hawkeye Vs Deadpool #0 (sur 4), $4.99
Infinity (TPB), $49.99
Inhuman #4 (Joe Madureira Variant Cover), AR
Iron Fist The Living Weapon #6, $3.99
Kick-Ass 3 (Hard Cover)(Premiere Edition), $29.99
Legendary Star-Lord #3 (Dustin Nguyen Artist Variant Cover), AR
Legendary Star-Lord #3 (Paco Medina Regular Cover), $3.99
Marvel Masterworks Famous Firsts 75th Anniversary Slipcase Set, $500.00
Miracleman #10 (Joe Quinones Variant Cover), AR
Miracleman #10 (Mico Suayan Variant Cover), AR
Miracleman #10 (Rick Veitch Regular Cover), $4.99
Moon Knight #7 (Declan Shalvey Personality Variant Cover), AR
Moon Knight #7 (Declan Shalvey Regular Cover), $3.99
Original Sin #3 (sur 8)(Julian Totino Tedesco 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Original Sin #5.2 (Dale Keown 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Original Sin #8 (sur 8)(Arthur Adams Interlocking Battle Variant Cover), AR
Original Sin #8 (sur 8)(Gabriele Dell'Otto Variant Cover), AR
Original Sin #8 (sur 8)(Jeun-Siik Ahn Teaser Variant Cover), AR
Original Sin #8 (sur 8)(Julian Totino Tedesco Regular Cover), $4.99
Oz Omnibus (Hard Cover), $125.00
Punisher #10, $3.99
Revenge The Secret Origin Of Emily Thorne (Hard Cover)(Premiere Edition), $24.99
Rocket Raccoon #3 (Pascal Campion Artist Variant Cover), AR
Rocket Raccoon #3 (Skottie Young Regular Cover), $3.99
She-Hulk #8, $2.99
Spider-Man 2099 #3(Francesco Mattina Regular Cover), $3.99
Spider-Man 2099 #3(John Tyler Christopher Variant Cover), AR
Superior Foes Of Spider-Man #15, $3.99
Uncanny X-Men #23 (Chris Bachalo 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Uncanny X-Men #25 (Chris Bachalo Regular Cover), $4.99
Uncanny X-Men #25 (Phantom City Creative Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Variant Cover), AR
Wolverine #10 (Steve McNiven 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
X-Men #19, $3.99
Death-Defying Dr. Mirage #1 (sur 5)(Blank Variant Cover), $3.99
Death-Defying Dr. Mirage #1 (sur 5)(Plus Edition)(Travel Foreman Cover), $4.99
Death-Defying Dr. Mirage #1 (sur 5)(Travel Foreman Regular Cover), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Masumi #2 (sur 4)(Cover A Harvey Tolibao), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Masumi #2 (sur 4)(Cover B Marat Mychaels), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Masumi #2 (sur 4)(Cover C Jorge Pessanha), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Masumi #2 (sur 4)(Cover D Vincenzo Cucca), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Tales Of Terror #2 (Cover A Abhishek Malsuni), $2.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Tales Of Terror #2 (Cover B Eric J), $2.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Tales Of Terror #2 (Cover C Michael Dooney), $2.99
Number One #1, $3.99
Crypt Of Horror Volume 22 (TPB), $29.95
Skyward Volume 3 Battle At Three Rivers (TPB), $8.99
Lunita #4 (sur 4), $3.99
Phoebe And Her Unicorn (Graphic Novel), $9.99
El Deafo (Hard Cover), $21.95
El Deafo (TPB), $10.95
Gold Digger #213, $3.99
Gold Digger Gold Brick IV (TPB)(Reminted Edition), $50.00
Betty And Veronica Friends Jumbo Comics Digest #240, $6.99
All Crime #3(sur 3), $3.95
Futurama Comics #72, $2.99
G-Fan #107, $6.95
Bo Plushy Gangsta Kingdom Of Bo (TPB), $14.99
Scum Of The Earth #2, $3.99
Comic Book People Photographs From The 1970s And 1980s (Hard Cover), $34.95
Age Of License (Graphic Novel), $19.99
Walt Disney's Don Rosa Library Volume 1 Uncle Scrooge And Donald Duck Son Of The Sun (Hard Cover), $29.99
Above The Dreamless Dead World War I In Poetry And Comics (Hard Cover), $24.99
Wrenchies (Graphic Novel), $19.99
Zoo Box (Hard Cover), $17.99
Kamen Volume 1 (Graphic Novel), $12.95
Marvel Comics The Poster Collection (TPB), $24.99
Knights Of The Dinner Table #212, $5.99
Noragmi Stray God Volume 1 (Graphic Novel), $10.99
Baby Bjornatrand (TPB), $20.00
Lose #6, $8.00
Mark Texeira Tempest Sketchbook (Hard Cover)(Signed Edition), $39.99
Mark Texeira Tempest Sketchbook (Hard Cover)(Sketch Edition), $125.00
Michael Golden Dangerous Curves (Hard Cover)(Signed Edition), $39.99
Michael Golden Dangerous Curves (Hard Cover)(Sketch Edition), $134.99
Kill My Mother (Graphic Novel), $27.95
New Dawn Star Wars (Hard Cover), $28.00
Rue Morgue Magazine #148, $9.95
Toto Trouble Volume 2 A Deadly Jokester (Hard Cover), $12.99
Toto Trouble Volume 2 A Deadly Jokester (TPB), $7.99
WWE Slam City Volume 1 Finished (Hard Cover), $12.99
Pokemon Adventures Box Set Volume 3 Ruby And Sapphire, $59.99
Pokemon Adventures Volume 24 (Graphic Novel), $9.99
Pokemon Black And White Box Set Volume 2, $25.99
2000 AD Pack July 2014 (1888-1892), $26.75
Alice In The Country Of Clover Knight's Knowledge Volume 2 (Graphic Novel), $13.99
Centaur's Life Volume 4 (Graphic Novel), $12.99
Mayo Chicki Volume 7 (Graphic Novel), $12.99
Zero's Familiar Chevalier Volume 2 (Graphic Novel), $12.99
Musashi (Graphic Novel), $16.95
Bettie Page In Danger #0, $9.95
Masterful Marks Cartoonists Who Changed The World (Hard Cover), $24.99
Steve O Reno's Fantasy Bound The Art Of Imaginative Distress (TPB), $9.95
Gorezone #32, $9.99
Farlaine The Goblin Volume 1 (TPB), $13.00
A1 Presents Carpe Diem Volume 1 I Hate Mondays (Hard Cover), $19.99
Alien Legion Dead And Buried Omnibus (TPB), $29.99
Doctor Grordbort Presents Onslaught (Hard Cover), $22.99
Epic Chronicles Of Hagar The Horrible Volume 6 1980-81 (Hard Cover), $19.95
Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse (Hard Cover), $24.99
Sally Of The Wasteland #2(sur 5), $3.99
Void (Hard Cover), $9.99
What Did You Eat Yesterday Volume 4 (Graphic Novel), $12.95
Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya Volume 19 (Graphic Novel), $13.00
Spice And Wolf Novel Volume 12 (TPB), $12.00
Il y a à peine 3 ans, Flashpoint #5 venait de sortir, suivi de Justice League #1. Ces deux numéros ouvraient une nouvelle époque pour DC Comics, avec l'arrivée des New 52, et depuis, chaque année au mois de septembre, la Distinguée Concurrence célèbre l'anniversaire de son univers. Après le Zero Month et le Vilains Month, ce mois-ci est consacré à l'événement Futures End.
Alors qu'une série hebdomadaire a débarqué il y a une vingtaine de semaines, ce sont toutes les séries de l'éditeur qui se voient transportées dans un futur qui bouleverse plus ou moins leur univers. Un futur qui ne se concrétisera probablement pas, mais dont on devrait garder quelques bribes ça et là (dans un monde où chaque timeline et chaque univers peuvent être accessibles via le concept du multivers, on doute que DC fasse tout ça pour rien).
On vous avoue ne pas trop avoir aimé les débuts de Futures End en hebdomadaire et avoir accumulé du retard, mais les avis de lecteurs disent qu'elle a enclenché la seconde récemment, juste avant le mois qui lui est consacré. Une sorte de mois What If? qui vous permet d'aller voir les séries que vous voulez, sans avoir trop besoin de se soucier de la continuité passée ou future. Cette semaine, c'est Green Arrow qui va particulièrement nous intéresser, avec un nouveau visage sous la capuche du justicier. Ce numéro marquera la fin du run de Jeff Lemire et Andrea Sorrentino sur le titre. Et si vous aimez, n'hésitez pas à aller les voir dans deux mois à la Paris Comics Expo : les deux compères y seront les invités d'Urban Comics.
< Chapitre précédentListing des sortiesChapitre suivant >Le panier à 25€Le listing ci-dessous tente de vous proposer notre sélection de comics de la semaine pour un budget de 25€. Pour une sélection plus large, reportez-vous à la section suivante !
Nous partons de l'idée 1$ = 1€. Certains comics shops vous proposeront des tarifs plus ou moins intéressants, le prix définitif est donc indicatif. De la même façon, nous nous basons sur les couvertures régulière, sans prendre en compte le prix d'éventuelles variantes.
Sans plus attendre, voici notre sélection de la semaine.
Death of Wolverine #1 (5€)
Charles Soule se voit confier ce mois-ci la mort de Wolverine, marronnier de la Maison des Idées, et tout va se passer très vite et être suivi de mini-séries en pagailles. Et à 5€ le numéro, ça va faire mal au porte-feuille. Mais bon, les premiers retours sont bons, et ça vaudra au moins le coup de s'y attarder en recueil pour ceux qui trouverait le prix d'entrée trop cher.
Justice League #33 (4€)
Fin du premier arc post-Forever Evil, qui a introduit la nouvelle version de la Justice League. On y retrouve la Doom Patrol et Power Ring, promise à un bel avenir chez DC. Mais ça ne se fera pas sans casse.
Southern Bastards #4 (3€50)
Après un début déjà très bon, la série promet de partir dans l'action et la violence suite à un cliffhanger qui laissait sur notre faim. Peut-on vraiment croire que tout va bien se passer dans le meilleur des mondes ? On en doute.
Green Arrow Futures End #1 (3€)
La fin de Jeff Lemire et Andrea Sorrentino sur le titre avec Futures End et un nouveau justicier sous la capuche. Dans le but de faire des économies, on prendra la couverture 2D pour gagner 1€.
Original Sin #8 (5€)
Deux titres Marvel cette semaine, et deux titres à 5€. Ici c'est la fin du crossover estival qui vous coûtera un peu plus cher que d'habitude pour plus de pages. Des choses vont changer, il y a eu de la retcon, de la perte de marteau, de nouvelles destinées... malheureusement l'event s'est essoufflé après un très bon départ, et on sait déjà où il va nous mener. Nous cache-t-il encore quelques surprises pour la fin ? On espère.
God hates astronauts #1 (3€50)
Après avoir fait un carton en ligne, Ryan Browne amène sa saga loufoque sur papier chez Image Comics. On y voit un groupe de héros très spécial faire face à des fermiers partis à la conquête de la galaxie dans des silos volants. Normal.
Batman Essentials Batman and Son Special Edition #1 (1€)
VERDICT : 25€ |
Contrat rempli à la perfection ! |
Certains choix réalisés ci-dessus sont très personnels, et la sélection nous tiraillés plus d'une fois. Voici quelques membres de la pré-sélection qui auraient pu passer, et que vous pourriez préférer à certains titres.
Squidder #3 (4€)
Déjà l'avant dernier numéro de cette courte saga. On ne sait pas où elle nous mène mais c'est toujours un plaisir pour les yeux.
All-New X-Factor #13 (4€)
L'équipe a été officialisée, Quicksilver est un homme changé, et le repos n'est pas près d'arrivée. On vous a dit qu'elle compte parmi les meilleures séries Marvel du moment ?
< Chapitre précédentFocus sur : Futures EndChapitre suivant >La sélection élargieTout le monde n'a pas un budget trop limité, et les possibilités d'achats sont chaque semaine très nombreuses. Voici une sélection plus élargie, correspondant globalement à nos lectures ou ce qu'on aimerait avoir le temps de lire.
Les sorties singles à retenir :
... c'est à vous de le faire ! L'idée est que nous choisissons plusieurs titres dont nous pourrions faire la review. Et c'est à vous de décider duquel chacun d'entre nous se chargera. A vos votes !
Alfro :Death of Wolverine #1God Hates Astronauts #1 Southern Bastards #4 |
Manu* :Original Sin #8 |
Sullivan :Death of Wolverine #1 |
* Les reviews en retard seront traitées au fur et à mesure des jours à venir.
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Hard Cover : format relié à couverture rigide.
TPB : format relié à couverture souple.
One-Shot : Histoire prévue en un seul numéro et se suffiant à elle-même.
sur X : indique que la série est une série limitée en X numéro.
AR : Ask Retailer, indique que le prix est soumis à la décision du revendeur.
Variant Cover : couverture variante souvent plus rare et dessinée par un autre artiste. Souvent également plus chère.
Crossed Badlands #50 (Gabriel Andrade Up In Smoke Cover), $5.99
Crossed Badlands #60 (Christian Zanier Red Crossed Incentive Cover), AR
Crossed Badlands #60 (Christian Zanier Regular Cover), $3.99
Crossed Badlands #60 (Matt Martin Fatal Fantasy Cover), $3.99
Crossed Badlands #60 (Rafa Ortiz Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Crossed Badlands #60 (Tim Vigil Torture Cover), $3.99
Extinction Parade War #2 (Raulo Caceres Leather Cover), $19.99
Extinction Parade War #3 (Raulo Caceres Bloodwashed Incentive Cover), AR
Extinction Parade War #3 (Raulo Caceres End Of Species Cover), $3.99
Extinction Parade War #3 (Raulo Caceres Pure Art Incentive Cover), AR
Extinction Parade War #3 (Raulo Caceres Regular Cover), $3.99
Extinction Parade War #3 (Raulo Caceres Wraparound Cover), $3.99
George R.R. Martin's In The House Of The Worm #2 (Ivan Rodriguez Regal Incentive Cover), AR
George R.R. Martin's In The House Of The Worm #2 (Ivan Rodriguez Regular Cover), $3.99
George R.R. Martin's In The House Of The Worm #2 (Ivan Rodriguez Wraparound Cover), $3.99
George R.R. Martin's In The House Of The Worm #2 (Michael DiPascale Painted Cover), $3.99
God Is Dead #19 (German Nobile Carnage Wraparound Cover), $3.99
God Is Dead #19 (Jacen Burrows End Of Days Cover), $3.99
God Is Dead #19 (Jacen Burrows Gilded Incentive Cover), AR
God Is Dead #19 (Jacen Burrows Iconic Cover), $3.99
God Is Dead #19 (Jacen Burrows Regular Cover), $3.99
God Is Dead Book Of Acts Alpha (Jacen Burrows Glycon Leather Cover), $19.99
God Is Dead Book Of Acts Deluxe Collector Box Set, $99.99
Uber #17 (Caanan White Blitzkrieg Incentive Cover), AR
Uber #17 (Caanan White War Crimes Cover), $3.99
Uber #17 (Daniel Gete Regular Cover), $3.99
Uber #17 (Daniel Gete Wraparound Cover), $3.99
Uber #17 (Michael DiPascale Propaganda Poster Cover), $3.99
Uber Special #1 (Michael DiPascale Raw Power Cover), $9.99
Big Trouble In Little China #4 (Cover A Eric Powell), $3.99
Big Trouble In Little China #4 (Cover B Joe Quinones), $3.99
Big Trouble In Little China #4 (Cover C Evan Shaner), AR
Black Market #1 (sur 4)(Victor Santos 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Clive Barker's Nightbreed #4 (Cover A Riley Rossmo), $3.99
Clive Barker's Nightbreed #4 (Cover B Christopher Mitten), AR
Cloaks #1 (sur 4)(Cover A W. Scott Forbes), $3.99
Cloaks #1 (sur 4)(Cover B Phil Noto), AR
Garfield #29 (Cover A Andy Hirsch), $3.99
Lumberjanes #5 (Cover A Noelle Stevenson), $3.99
Lumberjanes #5 (Cover B Perry Maple), AR
Robocop #3 (Cover A Goni Montes), $3.99
Robocop #3 (Cover B Carlos Magno), AR
Steven Universe #2 (Cover A George Caltsoudas), $3.99
Steven Universe #2 (Cover B Felicia Choo), $3.99
Steven Universe #2 (Cover C Amber Rogers), AR
Woods #5 (Cover A Michael Dialynas), $3.99
Woods Volume 1 (TPB), $9.99
Alley Oop The Complete Sundays Volume 2 1936-1938 (Hard Cover), $75.00
Angel And Faith Season 10 #6 (Scott Fischer Regular Cover), $3.50
Angel And Faith Season 10 #6 (Will Conrad Variant Cover), $3.50
Aw Yeah Comics And Action (TPB), $12.99
Concrete Park R-E-S-P-E-C-T #1 (sur 5), $3.99
Fear Agent Volume 6 Out Of Step (TPB)(Second Edition), $16.99
Finder Third World (TPB), $19.99
Furious Volume 1 Fallen Star (TPB), $17.99
Ghost #1 (#1For $1 Edition), $1.00
Grendel Vs The Shadow #1 (sur 3)(Matt Wagner Regular Cover), $5.99
Grendel Vs The Shadow #1 (sur 3)(Matt Wagner Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Jaybird (Hard Cover), $19.99
Legend Of Korra The Art Of The Animated Series Volume 2 Spirits (Hard Cover), $34.99
Michael Avon Oeming's The Victories #15, $3.99
New Lone Wolf And Cub Volume 2 (TPB), $13.99
Pariah Volume 2 (TPB), $14.99
Terminator Enemy Of My Enemy #5 (sur 6), $3.99
Usagi Yojimbo Senso #2 (sur 6), $3.99
Action Comics Futures End #1 (Lee Weeks 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Action Comics Futures End #1 (Lee Weeks Regular Cover), $2.99
Aquaman Futures End #1 (Yvel Guichet 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Aquaman Futures End #1 (Yvel Guichet Regular Cover), $2.99
Batman '66 Meets The Green Hornet #4 (sur 6), $2.99
Batman Essentials Batman And Son Special Edition #1, $1.00
Batman Eternal #22, $2.99
Batwing Futures End #1 (Dan Panosian 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Batwing Futures End #1 (Dan Panosian Regular Cover), $2.99
Batwoman Volume 4 This Blood Is Thick (TPB), $14.99
Detective Comics Futures End #1 (Jason Fabok 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Detective Comics Futures End #1 (Jason Fabok Regular Cover), $2.99
Earth 2 Futures End #1 (Giuseppe Camuncoli 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Earth 2 Futures End #1 (Giuseppe Camuncoli Regular Cover), $2.99
Fairest #29, $2.99
Forever Evil (Hard Cover), $24.99
Grayson Futures End #1 (Andrew Robinson 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Grayson Futures End #1 (Andrew Robinson Regular Cover), $2.99
Green Arrow Futures End #1 (Andea Sorrentino 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Green Arrow Futures End #1 (Andea Sorrentino Regular Cover), $2.99
Green Lantern Futures End #1 (Billy Tan 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Green Lantern Futures End #1 (Billy Tan Regular Cover), $2.99
Hinterkind #11, $2.99
JLA Earth 2 (TPB)(New Edition), $14.99
Justice League #33 (Darwyn Cooke Batman 75 Variant Cover), AR
Justice League #33 (Ivan Reis & Joe Prado Combo Pack Cover), $4.99
Justice League #33 (Ivan Reis & Joe Prado Regular Cover), $3.99
Justice League #33 (Mikel Janin Variant Cover), AR
Martian Manhunter Rings Of Saturn (TPB), $19.99
Mr Punch 20th Anniversary Edition (Hard Cover), $34.99
Names #1 (sur 8)(Celia Calle Regular Cover), $2.99
Names #1 (sur 8)(Leandro Fernandez Variant Cover), AR
New 52 Futures End #18, $2.99
Scooby-Doo Team-Up #6, $2.99
Swamp Thing Futures End #1 (Jesus Saiz 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Swamp Thing Futures End #1 (Jesus Saiz Regular Cover), $2.99
Tiny Titans Return To The Treehouse #4 (sur 6), $2.99
Trinity Of Sin The Phantom Stranger Futures End #1 (Guillem March 3-D Motion Variant Cover), $3.99
Trinity Of Sin The Phantom Stranger Futures End #1 (Guillem March Regular Cover), $2.99
Alice Cooper #1 (David Mack Regular Cover), $3.99
Alice Cooper #1 (Photo Variant Cover), AR
Blood Queen #4 (Ale Garza Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Blood Queen #4 (Cover A Jay Anacleto), $3.99
Blood Queen #4 (Cover B Ale Garza), $3.99
Blood Queen #4 (Jay Anacleto Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Chaos #5 (sur 6)(Ardian Syaf Subscription Variant Cover), $3.99
Chaos #5 (sur 6)(Cover A Emanuela Lupacchino), $3.99
Chaos #5 (sur 6)(Cover B Tim Seeley), $3.99
Chaos #5 (sur 6)(Cover C Nei Ruffino), $3.99
Chaos #5 (sur 6)(Emanuela Lupacchino Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Chaos #5 (sur 6)(Nei Ruffino Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Chaos #5 (sur 6)(Tim Seeley Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Dejah Of Mars #4 (sur 4)(Fabiano Neves Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Dejah Of Mars #4 (sur 4)(Fabiano Neves Variant Cover), AR
Dejah Of Mars #4 (sur 4)(Jay Anacleto Regular Cover), $3.99
Dejah Of Mars #4 (sur 4)(Jay Anacleto Risque Variant Cover), AR
Ex-Con #1 (Tim Bradstreet Regular Cover), $2.99
Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files War Cry #4 (sur 5)(Stjepan Sejic Regular Cover), $3.99
New Vampirella #4 (Cover A Terry Dodson), $3.99
New Vampirella #4 (Cover B Jenny Frison), $3.99
New Vampirella #4 (Stephanie Buscema Subscription Variant Cover), $3.99
New Vampirella #4 (Terry Dodson Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Red Sonja #6 (Jenny Frison Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Red Sonja The Black Tower #1 (sur 4)(Amanda Conner Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Red Sonja The Black Tower #1 (sur 4)(Amanda Conner Regular Cover), $3.99
Turok Dinosaur Hunter #7 (Bart Sears Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Turok Dinosaur Hunter #7 (Bart Sears Regular Cover), $3.99
Turok Dinosaur Hunter #7 (Jae Lee Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Turok Dinosaur Hunter #7 (Jae Lee Subscription Variant Cover), $3.99
Twilight Zone #8 (Francesco Francavilla Regular Cover), $3.99
Twilight Zone #8 (Francesco Francavilla Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Angry Birds Comics #4 (Cover A Jean-Michel Boesch), $3.99
Angry Birds Comics #4 (Cover SUB David Baldeon), $3.99
Dungeons And Dragons Forgotten Realms Classics Omnibus Volume 2 (TPB), $24.99
G.I. JOE Origins Omnibus Volume 2 (TPB), $24.99
Indestructible #8 (Cover A Jose Lopez), $3.99
Judge Dredd Mega-City Two (TPB), $19.99
Judge Dredd Volume 5 (TPB), $17.99
Mars Attacks First Born #4 (sur 4)(Cover A Sam Kieth), $3.99
Mars Attacks First Born #4 (sur 4)(Cover SUB Loston Wallace), $3.99
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #23 (Cover A Sara Richard), $3.99
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #23 (Cover B Amy Mebberson), $3.99
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #23 (Cover RI Kathrym Longua), AR
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Volume 5 (TPB), $17.99
Rocketeer Jet Powered Adventures (TPB), $19.99
Rogue Trooper Classics #5 (sur 12)(Cover A John McCrea), $3.99
Rogue Trooper Classics #5 (sur 12)(Cover SUB Dave Gibbons), $3.99
Silent Hill Downpour Anne's Story #1 (sur 4)(Cover A Tristan Jones), $3.99
Silent Hill Downpour Anne's Story #1 (sur 4)(Cover SUB Justin Randall), $3.99
Squidder #3 (sur 4)(Cover A Ben Templesmith), $3.99
Squidder #3 (sur 4)(Cover SUB David Stoupakis), $3.99
Star Mage #6 (sur 6)(Cover A Franco Cespedes), $3.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Micro Comic Fun Pack Display, AR
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles New Animated Adventures Volume 3 (TPB), $17.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Original Motion Picture Special Edition (Hard Cover), $29.99
Transformers IDW Collection Phase Two Volume 1 (Hard Cover), $49.99
Aphrodite IX #9 (Stjepan Sejic St Patricks Day Variant Cover), $14.99
Egos Volume 1 Quintessence (TPB), $9.99
Elephantmen #59, $3.99
Giant-Size Kung Fu Bible Stories, $20.00
God Hates Astronauts #1 (Cover A Ryan Browne), $3.50
God Hates Astronauts #1 (Cover B Geof Darrow), $3.50
Hack Slash Son Of Samhain #3, $3.50
Madame Frankenstein #5 (sur 7), $2.99
Mercenary Sea Volume 1 (TPB), $9.99
Nailbiter #5, $2.99
Nightworld #2 (sur 4), $3.99
Sidekick #8, $3.99
Southern Bastards #4, $3.50
Tech Jacket #3, $2.99
Walking Dead Volume 10 (Hard Cover), $34.99
All-New Doop #5 (sur 5), $3.99
All-New X-Factor #13, $3.99
Avengers World #12, $3.99
Black Widow #10, $3.99
Captain America #16 (CGC Graded 9.8)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Captain America #24, $3.99
Daredevil #6 (Chris Samnee 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Dark Tower The Drawing Of The Three The Prisoner #1 (sur 5)(Christian Ward Variant Cover), AR
Dark Tower The Drawing Of The Three The Prisoner #1 (sur 5)(Julian Totino Tedesco Regular Cover), $3.99
Dark Tower The Drawing Of The Three The Prisoner #1 (sur 5)(Skottie Young Variant Cover), AR
Dark Tower The Gunslinger Omnibus Slipcase (Hard Cover), $150.00
Deadpool Minibus (Hard Cover), $59.99
Deadpool Vs X-Force #4 (sur 4), $3.99
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Alex Ross 75th Anniversary Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Alex Ross 75th Anniversary Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Ed McGuinness Mortal Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Joe Quesada Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Joe Quesada Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Leinil Yu Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Pasqual Ferry Deadpool Memorial Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Pasqual Ferry Deadpool Memorial Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Skottie Young Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Steve McNiven Canada Variant Cover), AR
Death Of Wolverine #1 (sur 4)(Steve McNiven Regular Cover), $4.99
Figment #2 (sur 5)(John Tyler Christoper 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Figment #4 (sur 5), $3.99
Hawkeye Vs Deadpool #0 (sur 4), $4.99
Infinity (TPB), $49.99
Inhuman #4 (Joe Madureira Variant Cover), AR
Iron Fist The Living Weapon #6, $3.99
Kick-Ass 3 (Hard Cover)(Premiere Edition), $29.99
Legendary Star-Lord #3 (Dustin Nguyen Artist Variant Cover), AR
Legendary Star-Lord #3 (Paco Medina Regular Cover), $3.99
Marvel Masterworks Famous Firsts 75th Anniversary Slipcase Set, $500.00
Miracleman #10 (Joe Quinones Variant Cover), AR
Miracleman #10 (Mico Suayan Variant Cover), AR
Miracleman #10 (Rick Veitch Regular Cover), $4.99
Moon Knight #7 (Declan Shalvey Personality Variant Cover), AR
Moon Knight #7 (Declan Shalvey Regular Cover), $3.99
Original Sin #3 (sur 8)(Julian Totino Tedesco 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Original Sin #5.2 (Dale Keown 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Original Sin #8 (sur 8)(Arthur Adams Interlocking Battle Variant Cover), AR
Original Sin #8 (sur 8)(Gabriele Dell'Otto Variant Cover), AR
Original Sin #8 (sur 8)(Jeun-Siik Ahn Teaser Variant Cover), AR
Original Sin #8 (sur 8)(Julian Totino Tedesco Regular Cover), $4.99
Oz Omnibus (Hard Cover), $125.00
Punisher #10, $3.99
Revenge The Secret Origin Of Emily Thorne (Hard Cover)(Premiere Edition), $24.99
Rocket Raccoon #3 (Pascal Campion Artist Variant Cover), AR
Rocket Raccoon #3 (Skottie Young Regular Cover), $3.99
She-Hulk #8, $2.99
Spider-Man 2099 #3(Francesco Mattina Regular Cover), $3.99
Spider-Man 2099 #3(John Tyler Christopher Variant Cover), AR
Superior Foes Of Spider-Man #15, $3.99
Uncanny X-Men #23 (Chris Bachalo 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Uncanny X-Men #25 (Chris Bachalo Regular Cover), $4.99
Uncanny X-Men #25 (Phantom City Creative Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Variant Cover), AR
Wolverine #10 (Steve McNiven 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
X-Men #19, $3.99
Death-Defying Dr. Mirage #1 (sur 5)(Blank Variant Cover), $3.99
Death-Defying Dr. Mirage #1 (sur 5)(Plus Edition)(Travel Foreman Cover), $4.99
Death-Defying Dr. Mirage #1 (sur 5)(Travel Foreman Regular Cover), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Masumi #2 (sur 4)(Cover A Harvey Tolibao), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Masumi #2 (sur 4)(Cover B Marat Mychaels), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Masumi #2 (sur 4)(Cover C Jorge Pessanha), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Masumi #2 (sur 4)(Cover D Vincenzo Cucca), $3.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Tales Of Terror #2 (Cover A Abhishek Malsuni), $2.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Tales Of Terror #2 (Cover B Eric J), $2.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Tales Of Terror #2 (Cover C Michael Dooney), $2.99
Number One #1, $3.99
Crypt Of Horror Volume 22 (TPB), $29.95
Skyward Volume 3 Battle At Three Rivers (TPB), $8.99
Lunita #4 (sur 4), $3.99
Phoebe And Her Unicorn (Graphic Novel), $9.99
El Deafo (Hard Cover), $21.95
El Deafo (TPB), $10.95
Gold Digger #213, $3.99
Gold Digger Gold Brick IV (TPB)(Reminted Edition), $50.00
Betty And Veronica Friends Jumbo Comics Digest #240, $6.99
All Crime #3(sur 3), $3.95
Futurama Comics #72, $2.99
G-Fan #107, $6.95
Bo Plushy Gangsta Kingdom Of Bo (TPB), $14.99
Scum Of The Earth #2, $3.99
Comic Book People Photographs From The 1970s And 1980s (Hard Cover), $34.95
Age Of License (Graphic Novel), $19.99
Walt Disney's Don Rosa Library Volume 1 Uncle Scrooge And Donald Duck Son Of The Sun (Hard Cover), $29.99
Above The Dreamless Dead World War I In Poetry And Comics (Hard Cover), $24.99
Wrenchies (Graphic Novel), $19.99
Zoo Box (Hard Cover), $17.99
Kamen Volume 1 (Graphic Novel), $12.95
Marvel Comics The Poster Collection (TPB), $24.99
Knights Of The Dinner Table #212, $5.99
Noragmi Stray God Volume 1 (Graphic Novel), $10.99
Baby Bjornatrand (TPB), $20.00
Lose #6, $8.00
Mark Texeira Tempest Sketchbook (Hard Cover)(Signed Edition), $39.99
Mark Texeira Tempest Sketchbook (Hard Cover)(Sketch Edition), $125.00
Michael Golden Dangerous Curves (Hard Cover)(Signed Edition), $39.99
Michael Golden Dangerous Curves (Hard Cover)(Sketch Edition), $134.99
Kill My Mother (Graphic Novel), $27.95
New Dawn Star Wars (Hard Cover), $28.00
Rue Morgue Magazine #148, $9.95
Toto Trouble Volume 2 A Deadly Jokester (Hard Cover), $12.99
Toto Trouble Volume 2 A Deadly Jokester (TPB), $7.99
WWE Slam City Volume 1 Finished (Hard Cover), $12.99
Pokemon Adventures Box Set Volume 3 Ruby And Sapphire, $59.99
Pokemon Adventures Volume 24 (Graphic Novel), $9.99
Pokemon Black And White Box Set Volume 2, $25.99
2000 AD Pack July 2014 (1888-1892), $26.75
Alice In The Country Of Clover Knight's Knowledge Volume 2 (Graphic Novel), $13.99
Centaur's Life Volume 4 (Graphic Novel), $12.99
Mayo Chicki Volume 7 (Graphic Novel), $12.99
Zero's Familiar Chevalier Volume 2 (Graphic Novel), $12.99
Musashi (Graphic Novel), $16.95
Bettie Page In Danger #0, $9.95
Masterful Marks Cartoonists Who Changed The World (Hard Cover), $24.99
Steve O Reno's Fantasy Bound The Art Of Imaginative Distress (TPB), $9.95
Gorezone #32, $9.99
Farlaine The Goblin Volume 1 (TPB), $13.00
A1 Presents Carpe Diem Volume 1 I Hate Mondays (Hard Cover), $19.99
Alien Legion Dead And Buried Omnibus (TPB), $29.99
Doctor Grordbort Presents Onslaught (Hard Cover), $22.99
Epic Chronicles Of Hagar The Horrible Volume 6 1980-81 (Hard Cover), $19.95
Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse (Hard Cover), $24.99
Sally Of The Wasteland #2(sur 5), $3.99
Void (Hard Cover), $9.99
What Did You Eat Yesterday Volume 4 (Graphic Novel), $12.95
Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya Volume 19 (Graphic Novel), $13.00
Spice And Wolf Novel Volume 12 (TPB), $12.00